Monday, May 11, 2009

Kichadi Fast update

I am eating my Kichadi as I write because writing in my blog will hopefully provide just enough distraction to force feed myself.

If the Kichadi fast has taught me anything, it is that I enjoy tasty food. I used to think that I was an indiscriminate eater but, it turns out that I am a flavour connoisseur. When flavour is taken out of the equation, I would rather starve until hunger pains force me to take in some form of sustenance.

On the plus side, I haven't felt any discomfort other than the aforementioned hunger pains. I think the psychological deprivation of not being able to eat at will has been dampened by my previous experience with weekday vegetarianism. And in an attempt to distract myself from my Kichadi breakfast on Sunday morning, we caught the 10:20am screening of Star Trek, which was awesome, and free of kids, weekend warriors, and delinquents.

An unexpected side effect of my fast is that Joe is not eating well either. To be clear, he is not participating in the Kichadi fast but, he feels bad about eating regular food in front of me and has taken to putting off eating until necessary. Between the two of us, our home is now reminiscent of the Nebuchadnezzar in The Matrix, in which its crew ate unappetizing but nutritious gruel that would not distract them from their duty. Except, my duties are less exciting than fighting genocidal machines so I find myself daydreaming about food a lot.

I am looking forward to eating regular food again come Saturday, if only to enjoy the freedom to eat what I want, when I want.

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