Friday, May 15, 2009

Kichadi and Iceland - The End

Technically, I'm supposed to continue my Kichadi Fast until Saturday but I intend on breaking my fast tonight with dinner. It will not be steak or something fried because I have been advised to ease back into regular food. However, even a salad sounds like flavour country right now.

I do recommend the Kichadi Fast to others, if only to gauge how many calories you consume when taste is taken out of the equation. I do not recommend visiting friends for a home cooked meal while on the Kichadi Fast. If there was a low point of this past week, that would definitely have been it (I am so sorry, Fiona).

A final note on Iceland: I mentioned previously how aloof Icelanders can be and our Hotel Bjork concierge, Oddur, was a perfect example of this. He failed to smile when we arrived and was initially all business, but was soon engaged in an ongoing joke about his perpetual presence at the front desk in the most hilariously deadpan manner. By the end, we were selling Canada to him as a vacation destination and he seemed genuinely interested. I must remember to seal the deal by sending him a Canadiana postcard.


Six Degrees said... recipe free experiment with Cuban inspired stuffed peppers was a low point? Thanks! (I'll make it again for you) :)

celestialspeedster said...

To be clear, your stuffed peppers were torture because I couldn't eat them. And I didn't even know you had a blog!

Six Degrees said...

Yes, I wanted to see where my blog was going before I went public.