Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The lost weekend and Anvil!

The spraining of my ankle coincided perfectly with Joe's wisdom teeth being taken out a mere two days after the accident. I took the Thursday off work to recover as much mobility as possible in order to guide Joe from the dental surgeon's office on the Friday morning. The result was a never-ending weekend of discomfort, soft food, prescription drugs, and rock 'n' roll.

To clarify, the rock 'n' roll experience was vicarious as Joe and I watched Anvil! The Story of Anvil. The documentary charts the struggles of the two 50 year old members of Canadian metal band, Anvil, to recapture the glory of their promising rise to fame in the early 1980s. The story is a hilarious yet touching counterbalance to the winners who claim that all that is required to succeed is to dream big and work hard. More often than not, talented and hardworking individuals toil in obscurity, rewarded only by the exercise of their creativity. Anvil! is worth watching, even if you have the option of leaving the house.

1 comment:

celestialspeedster said...

Joe reminded me that we also saw another worthwhile documentary during our incarceration: The King of Kong. The tension is palpable as a frustrated newcomer attempts to topple the reigning Donkey Kong champion amidst a surprising amount of drama and politics. Joe liked it more than Anvil!, but that's because he's a retro nerd.