Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prelude to a lynching

We knew that Iceland's economy was in the crapper when we decided to take advantage of a seat sale from Icelandair and book an island vacation. Then, we find out today that Iceland's coalition government has collapsed. There is already a move to form an interim government until elections can be held in May.

Hopefully, this will quelch Icelandic rage until the elections, lest the locals turn on Canadian tourists, especially a particular group of ethnic people that will include at least one Jew.


Anonymous said...

*Two* Jews, one ethnic!

celestialspeedster said...

Technically, it's two Jews but under the flickering light of a flaming torch, an angry mob will not instantly identify your wife as Jewish, only you.

Flocons said...

It's important to blend in with the locals when traveling. When you arrive in Iceland, you will assume new identities. You will be Olaf, Helga, Sven, and Heidi. If you find yourself in trouble, just keep on repeating to them: "He is Olaf... I am Sven."