Friday, January 09, 2009

Friday Night Play List: Lonely guy seeks emotional bond

It occurs to me that I am betraying my age with my mostly dated music suggestions. This week and maybe hereafter, I am going to provide a movie double bill instead because I am more current on film than I am on music. Listed below are two recent releases about lonely men loathe to leave the comfort of their routine.

Ghost Town
I am a fan of Ricky Gervais's TV shows ("The Office" and "Extras") but his foray into movies prior to Ghost Town were cameos without a context for his brand of humour. With Ghost Town, I feared that Gervais would be made cute and cuddly as payment for a starring role. The trailers did nothing to appease my fears, attempting to make Ghost Town as innocuous as possible. Having finally seen the movie, I am happy to say that few compromises were made; Gervais is the same hilariously inappropriate asshole he always plays. Kristen Wiig's latest version of her sedated psycho character is also worth seeing.

The Wrestler
I think it is fair to compare Mickey Rouke's turn as a wrestler past his prime to Heath Ledger's Joker in that both actors disappear so completely into their roles that you forget that you are watching a performance. Rouke's honest and raw depiction of a likable man who is a failure outside of the wrestling ring is very watchable, in spite of the depressing subject matter.

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