Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Not bad, not bad at all

Meet your new Prime Minister, Canada: Stephen Harper! But all is not lost. I am breathing a sigh of relief.

Mr. Harper is in power and therefore, accountable for everything his administration does. But, with such a weak hold on power, he really has his hands tied.

Everytime Mr. Harper tries to do something wacky like create a two-tier health care system, or flog the same sex marriage issue like a dead dog, Liberals and NDPs will quickly swarm his head before attacking eachother over Harper's unconsious body. The Bloc Quebecois will simply laugh genially while insisting, "It's not about you, Canada. It's about me. I just need time apart to become a better sovereignty."

Just wait until Harper meets George W. Bush for the first time as Prime Minister! Ha! Hilarity awaits.


Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for Harper's weight gain to finally tip past the point of no return, requiring him to make his TV appearances from his own couch, largely because he's gotten so obese that there is no longer a way to distinguish or separate the man from the couch.

Damn, he's getting huge! Gorging on power, I suppose.

Flocons said...

This is true. They say that politicians will either gain weight, lose weight, or keep the same weight within the first 6 months of office. I find that facinating.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "they" sure are wise. Gain, lose or stay the same... "they've" certainly got all the possibilities covered!