Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Relax or die

After a month of stress and sleep deprivation, my immune system decided to take a vacation and now, I'm sick. I've managed to force myself to go to work, prompting my coworker to Windex her desk, the computer and the air around her, but I find it hard to do anything else.

Perhaps I should 1) listen to my body and 2) take it easy.

1) Speaking of listening to your body, that reminds me of the pregnant woman who recently gave birth on the Wellesley Station subway platform. She and her family were on their way to St. Michael's Hospital to give birth when she went into labour. A good samaritan who stopped to help accused other passengers and TTC staff of acting like zombies. This raises questions:
  • If this woman could not even afford the $50 taxi fare to get to St. Michael's, how can she possibly afford another child?
  • Does this confirm what I always suspected about the TTC advertisements that claim TTC employees are "heroes" and "caring": a feeble PR campaign easily overtaken by reality?
  • What does it take to shake Torontonians from their apathy? Perhaps if the pregnant woman had strapped a bomb to her body while screaming in pain, TTC communters would have taken a personal interest in her troubles?
2) Speaking of taking it easy reminds me of my friend Kathryn. Kathryn used to look forward to the annual blood drive at Sheridan College because she equated it with a trip to the spa. For Kathryn, it was a rare pleasure to be forced to relax in a horizontal position then receive free apple juice and cookies. Sadly, I completely understand.

1 comment:

Flocons said...

Maybe the TTC PR campaign should be more like this:
